Thursday 10 November 2016

Omokri Cautions Soyinka:: Think Twice Before Tearing Your US Green Card

RENO Omokri, a former aide to the former President, Goodluck Jonathan has advised Nigerian Nobel Prize winner, Prof. Wole Soyinka to think twice before tearing his United State green card.
The statement is in response to a comment credited to Soyinka while addressing some students in the United State.
Soyinka had boasted that he would tear his green card if the Republic Candidate, Donald Trump emerged the winner of the Presidential election.
Mr Soyinka said he feared the Republic candidate would ask all green-card holders to reapply to come back into the US. “Well, I’m not waiting for that,” the Nigerian author told his student audience.
“The moment they announce his [Trump’s] victory, I will cut my green card myself and start packing up,” he added 
Responding to the comment, Omokri said “Dear Professor Wole Soyinka, please think twice before you tear your Green Card. You may find the recession back home hard to deal with!”
The former aide also pointed to a self-acclaimed man of God, Prophet of Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) T.B Joshua who predicted that Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton will win the election in a narrow victory against her Republican rival. 

Prophet Joshua had said “Ten days ago, I saw the new President of America with a narrow win,”
  “By the way, in order not to keep you in suspense, what I frankly saw is a woman.”
Omokri who didn’t hide his position on the failed prediction said “Dear TB Joshua. Who gave you your prophecy? My God is not a man that He would lie neither is He the son of man that He would repent!”

I Am Afraid PDP May Take Back Presidency – Buhari Confesses

President Buhari has expressed worry over the lingering leadership crisis among members of the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC) in the National Assembly.

Speaking on “Good Morning Nigeria”, a programme aired on NTA, on Monday, the president said he did not want to be seen as interferring in the internal affairs of another branch of government. “I have to be very sensitive to the constitution of the country.

I do not like to be told by anybody, especially the legislators, that I am interferring in their matter. There are three arms of government—Executive, legislature and the judiciary.”

“Over the last 16 years, they have developed the system of choosing their leaders. There is no way I can directly interfere. All I can do through the party is to appeal to their conscience that what I already observed, we should go over it as soon as possible.”

“When I say ‘WE’, I mean the APC. We cannot win the battle and lose the war. We must not allow individual personal ambition to succeed in dividing us and allow the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to deal with us. This is what the National Assembly has allowed so far.”

“The APC is giving the PDP allowance to take over the government again. This is extremely disheartening, I am very worried,” the president said expressing his frustration.

“The only thing I can do is to appeal to the conscience of the APC members in the Senate and House. It took us time to get to where we are. I don’t want personal ambitions to scuttle our success and, therefore, fail to deliver on our promises to the nation.”

Photos: South East Senators visit President Buhari at the state house

Senators from the South East zone led by deputy senate president, Ike Ekweremadu, yesterday paid a private visit to President Buhari at the state house, Abuja. According to Ekweremadu, they went to express their concern over issues affecting the region, particularly issues bordering on security.‎
“For us from the South-east, we believe that dialogue is better than any other form of engagement.

 So we decided to visit the President and present to him some of the concerns of the South East, including the issues of roads, general infrastructure, the rail and airports. ‎We had a good conversation and he promised to look into the issues” he told state house correspondents
Senator Abaribe who is the leader of the South East Senators caucus, said they also raised concerned about how the region has been shortchanged in the scheme of things.

"We know that there are problems everywhere but we also believe that the south-east is the zone that is far more short-changed at this time than other zones. We also talked about the issue of appointments from the South-east, especially with respect to the National Security Council. The President also told us that governors of the South-east have also engaged him on the same problems"he said
More photos below...

Man narrates how his sister who couldn't walk for four months was healed

An Instagram user, Uruemurie Ewoma Frank has shared a testimony of how his sister who couldn't walk for four months was healed after their parents took her to church;

#GodDidIt #Testimony#RealGod
So here I was two days ago, talking about how my baby sis has literally lived in pain and depended on drugs. It's been tough but we never lost our faith.. Fast forward to today, this morning she was in pain. She was ready to give up the fight. It was that bad.. But Dad and Mum says "We are going to thank God today no matter what.. So they increased the dosage of the pain killer, put her on the wheelchair and rolled her to church.
AND GOD SHOWED UP... HA HA.. GOD SHOWED UP... GOD SHOWED UP.. people have said we were not praying enough, we should try all kinds but when Faith is in God, He moves.. The person who hasn't walked for four months, is running, jumping, dancing and walking.. God did it.. God does wonders.. He's a miracle worker.. I've been so excited, I cannot hold back.... Picture on the left taken on Friday Picture on the right taken this evening.... When the lord turned it... God is REAL. PRAYER WORKS.

Photos: Governor Shettima visits the 22 rescued Chibok girls in Abuja

Borno State Governor, Kashim Shettima, who is on workIng visit to Abuja, visited the rescued 21 Chibok girls including Maryam Ali Maiyanga, with her ten-month-old son, who was recently rescued from Pulka, Gwoza Local Government Area. Presenting some items, he also thanked Head of the DSS Medical facility in Abuja who are under her care, and assured the girls of total support. See more photos after the cut.

Hillary Lost but You Haven’t

It will be easy, especially for those of us who were ready for the next step in equality and civilization, to take this loss and disappointment personally, but here’s why you shouldn’t – right at this minute, your own life, is still in your own hands.

So resist the urge to wallow in the current wave of hopelessness and focus on what you can control – your life, your future, your relationship, your health and your money!

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Trump's victory: Obama got what he did to Goodluck Jonathan

Trump's victory: Obama got what he did to Goodluck Jonathan - Fayose
Ekiti State Governor, Mr Ayodele Fayose has hailed the victory of the Republican Presidential candidate, Donald Trump in the United States of America (USA) election, describing it as “the beginning of a real change in Nigeria because those who imposed the present All Progressives Congress (APC) government on Nigerians just lost out.”
The governor said; “Now that Trump has won, it portends hope for Nigerians that the excesses of the President Muhammadu Buhari led federal government will stop as the road has ended for those who conspired to impose Buhari on Nigerians.”
Reacting to Trump’s victory, Special Assistant to the Governor of Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka quoted the governor as saying in a statement issued in Ado-Ekiti on Wednesday that he believed that Trump will be able to tell President Buhari to respect rule of law and sit at home to solve the country's economic problems instead of junketing around the world.
The governor said; “Trump presidency symbolises different things to different people and nations. It symbolises God at work and a clear departure from the old order.
“It is also a turning point for Nigeria and Nigerians, particularly those controlling the federal government that must have to change their ways as their allies who imposed them on us just lost out.
“Most importantly, President Barack Obama got what he did to Dr Goodluck Jonathan. God bless President-Elect Donald John Trump!”
Describing the conduct of the elections as a lesson for Nigerians, Governor Fayose said; “The US elections started and ended seamlessly. The electoral umpire never meddled; the military, police and SSS did not provide cover for ballot snatchers. No printing of doggy result sheets. I think Prof Mahmood Yakubu and his INEC should learn from this for posterity. They should stop aiding unpopular politicians to rob the people of quality leadership.”
Speaking further, Governor Fayose said the election of Trump signals the hope of a possible defeat of the APC government foisted on Nigeria by the USA influence.
The governor said; “I prayed to God that if Trump will be the one to save us from this present state of hopelessness, God should give him victory. I prayed that God should let Trump wins so that another change can begin in Nigeria. I am happy that God answered my prayers and gave Trump a resounding victory.
“I am also happy that God has humbled those who conspired to impose the present APC government that has brought hunger, suffering, abuse of human rights and destruction of the Electoral system on Nigeria and its people.”